Whatever your fitness goal, we can get there!
The goal of any trainer should be to help the client become independent with their own diet and programming, not to keep information secret so the client cannot work by him/herself eventually. That said, there are some clients who prefer to hire a trainer for each session, which is great! But this should not be the goal of any professional trainer. Hiring a trainer should be viewed as an investment in your health; a way to gather information to use in the coming years to help keep you healthy and functional with the goal of reducing costs from medical bills and/or missed work, not to mention an investment in your comfort and wellbeing. You will be so much more comfortable without an over use injury and so much happier that you will not have to stop an activity due to an injury or illness. (exercise does not eliminate the risk, however it does lower it significantly). I know that contemplating the cost of hiring me, or any other competent trainer/therapist, is daunting, but consider your investment. In the long run it will turn out to be much less expensive. Here is a story to add some perspective.
I have found most general weight loss/gain clients can continue independently after about 15-30 weeks however as they age or if they develop an injury, they may have a need to come back for a “tune-up”. This is akin to taking your boots to the cobbler for new sole. Some clients need more one on one guidance for extended periods (9 months is not uncommon) as they train up to and through a competitive season (think football) or for a big event (think body building show). Still some clients want to continue one on one indefinitely as a way to be held accountable and for the camaraderie.
NSCPT (nutrition and sports coaching, physical therapy) packages include:
NSCPT packages are structured for clients who are comfortable working out on their own, but includes instructions on exercise technique and rationale, and/or nutrition coaching prior to the weekly exercise prescription being issued. We follow up as the week progresses to make sure there are no questions or barriers.
NSCPT packages include:
1) A personalized, private e-file which is updated with regular attendance and is used to show your progress and next weekly exercise selection.
2) One weekly 30-45 min educational call/meeting to discuss exercise programming strategy and technique, nutrition coaching and occasionally physical therapy strategies to meet your goal.
3) Mid program check in via text or email to address nutrition, therapy or exercise related questions, and can include video review as needed.
PTr (Personal Training) packages include:
Personal training sessions include an hour long, one on one session (via zoom or in person) with guidance throughout your personalized exercise program with form feedback and cues for technique as well as assistance with all equipment set up and use.
PTr packages include:
1) A personalized, private e-file which is updated with regular attendance and is used to show your progress and next weekly exercise selection (if needed).
2) 1-5 weekly 60 min one on one (live or via zoom) training session.
3) Mid program check in via text or email to address exercise related questions and can include video review as needed.